1. Algebra Warm-Ups
@geoffkrall shared a year’s worth of algebra warm-ups. These are designed to fit with the US curriculum where students study maths in discrete chunks, which is very different to the approach we take in the UK. In the US, students study a course in Algebra, then Geometry, then Algebra 2. Geoff explains in his blog post that he designed this set of warm ups to help students keep their algebra skills fresh throughout their geometry course. Thank you Geoff!
I’ve set up a new page for Certificate of Further Maths resources here. This is linked from the main menu at the top of my blog for easy access.
3. New Resources from Dr Austin
4. Negative Number Hook
5. Percentages
Back to School
These pages are always popular in August and September:
- My Year 7 Maths Activities post which features ideas for first lessons with Year 7
- My Displays page which contains loads of fantastic maths displays for corridors and classrooms
I’ve created a new page listing maths education conferences in 2022/23. There’s not much on it yet, so please let me know of any upcoming conferences that I can add.
Did you see that Rob Eastaway has teamed up with Shakespeare improviser Rebecca MacMillan to run a series of talks for Key Stage 4 students in Birmingham in November? Much Ado About Numbers – Maths & Shakespeare presents a unique opportunity for a joint trip for Maths, English and History departments. I bet it will be brilliant.
I’m off on holiday with my family for two weeks tomorrow – we’re heading to a cottage in Cornwall. I can’t wait. When I get back, I’m looking forward to a couple of chilled weeks at the end of August, including catching up with maths teachers at Dr Frost’s triannual drinks.
I’ll leave you with this picture tweeted by @p_millerd. I know a lot of people who’ll relate to this!